Using the CAF America Logo and Badge

CAF America is here to help grow your impact



How to use our logo

As a valued partner, CAF America encourages donors and foreign charitable organizations to display their association with CAF America on their website and other promotional materials. If your organization is interested in using the CAF America logo in your marketing materials, please download it below. In order to use our logo, we ask for your organization to follow the guidance below:

Clear space and minimum size

Please maintain the clear space as exemplified below:







In print, the logo should be minimum 60 mm in width and 13 mm in height.

In digital, the logo should be minimum 560 px in width and 120 px in height.

Effects and Distortions

The logo should not be stretched, skewed, cropped, given a shadow, distorted or subjected to any other effects and edits.


Photography overlay

The logo should not be placed on busy photography.


Color usage

The CAF America logo in green is the preferred usage of the logo. Use the green or orange logos on white or light colored backgrounds. Use the white logo on green or dark colored backgrounds.

The logo should not be used in colors that fall outside of those provided.




The components of the logo should not be separated.




The logo should not be placed vertically.







Download our logo

Validated Organization Badge

Organizations that have been validated by CAF International have completed an extensive application and due diligence process with one of the CAF International’s Global Offices. The CAF International Validated Organization Badge is awarded to organizations that are structured and operated as nonprofit entities. This is confirmed by a validation process that goes far beyond a simple reliance on a foreign government database.

Your digital badge and certificate will serve as a seal of assurance for donors that your organization is structured and operates as a nonprofit entity, that grant funds provided to your organization will be used exclusively for charitable purposes, and that your organization went through our extensive review to ensure against the risk of fraud, money laundering, or other illicit activities.

As your organization is currently eligible to receive donations through CAF America, you can now share or download your digital credential. We suggest adding the badge to your organization website’s footer. It should be prominently placed on your donation page as well. You should have received an email from Accredible with a link to download your badge. If you have not received this email, please contact us at

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