b'Give Anywhere Safely with CAF AmericaGuided by CAF Americas 3Rs of International Grantmakingregulatory compliance, risk mitigation, and reputation protectionour services ensure safe and effective international giving.Taking a Risk-Based ApproachCAF America takes a risk-based approach to charity validation and grantmaking. This allows us to manage risks rather than avoiding them altogether, and leads to more flexible, innovative, and accessible grantmaking. Our team leans on our 30+ years of experience to evaluate each of our grantees individually and determine how we can approve their support.Support for Grassroots OrganizationsOur Board of Directors and Staff strongly feel that it is important and necessary to support local, grassroots organizations whenever possible, and in many cases, these types of organizations are either not registered as charities in their countries or cannot fulfill all documentation requirements, such as having audited financial statements. Our review process will flag these differences as potential risk indicators and will work with both the donor and the grantee to mitigate those risks through a variety of tools, but we do not immediately dismiss them as a viable grantee when these types of indicators are identified. PAGE10|Donating Complex Assets'