Today, CAF America announced the launch of the Global Relief Navigator, a donation tool that provides an interactive map of vetted partners responding to current crises. This map allows U.S. donors to track disaster events and the trusted organizations responding to...
CADENA is an international nonprofit organization committed to addressing humanitarian crises through emergency relief, resilience-building, and preparedness initiatives. As an eligible organization with CAF America and an active responder on our new Global Relief...
The State of Disaster Relief and Response During the COVID-19 pandemic, the philanthropic sector saw a significant shift in giving patterns. Donors and grantmakers increasingly directed their contributions toward disaster-related charities and initiatives. Reports...
Disasters around the world are on the rise, with drastic increases in both their frequency and intensity. While charitable donations have gone up over the past decade, they haven’t kept pace with rising needs, and the vast majority of funds given to international...
We are thrilled to celebrate the incredible impact of our grantee partners through the 2024 Charity Impact Challenge. This social media contest, held on Instagram and X in May, invited all eligible partners to showcase the transformative power of their CAF America...
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