b'Leket ProjectFarm to Every TableCOUNTRY:As unexpected weather events continue to intensify due to climate change, Israel farmers are taking heavier precautionary measures to ensure their crops survive and meet the markets demand. Consequently, the overproduction GRANT AMOUNT: of crops yields a higher quantity of produce than farmers can preserve. $2,731Project Leket addresses the serious challenges of mass production, which SDG FOCUS AREAS: leads to large scale waste in Israels agricultural sector. Leket partners Responsible Consumption with farmers and packing houses to donate and preserve excess crops. and Production The organization redistributes the fresh produce among 200 nonprofit (SDG 12) organizations that provide nutritional food to tens of thousands of low-Zero Hungerincome israelis.(SDG 2)Project Leket would not be able to fulfill its mission to provide food for the deprived without their intensive ten-year lobbying efforts advocating for legislation that regulates food waste. The Food Donation Actwas passed into law in October 2018 and changed the face of food waste in Israel. As Project Leket continues to rescue millions of dollars worth of fresh produce, the organizations next challenge is to raise sufficient funds for additional outsourced refrigeration to meet the growing demand and to further reduce waste.14,000metric tons of produce rescuedcafamerica.orgPAGE15'