Perhaps the most widely discussed change in the past year was the case of China, where the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of Activities of Overseas Nongovernmental Organizations in the Mainland of China, otherwise known as the Overseas NGO Management Law, disrupted the philanthropic sector and the operations of thousands of international nonprofits. CAF America immediately responded by restructuring our grantmaking processes to China and became one of the first funders to continue making grants to the country in a compliant manner. As similar laws arise across the globe that render foreign funding more burdensome for both funders and recipients, CAF America will continue to adapt and allow our clients to give where they desire while maintaining our high standards of compliance. Internationally, philanthropy has been faced with complying with an array of new legislation targeting civil society. Since 2012, according to the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL),60countrieshavepassedmorethan 90lawsthat impactcivil societyorganizations. Two-thirds of these laws restrict the operating environment for civil society organizations, while one-third enable CSOs and their operations. CAF America maintains a strong knowledge base surrounding these regulations and we provide our clients with giving solutions which are fully compliant with ever-changing regulatory environments in the 100+ countries where we give. In our ongoing commitment to provide analysis on regulatory changes, we have covered these new regulations in our publications and provided updates to our clients about how these changes would affect them. 24