Widowed Women Goat Project Grant Recipient: CANDLE: Community, Action, Development, Liberative, and Education Grant Amount: $5.500 CHARITY SPOTLIGHT Widowed women across the world struggle to provide for themselves and their families. In India, widowed women, especially of lower castes such as the dalit, are unable to gain access to financial resources. Community Action, Development, Liberative, and Education (CANDLE) is an organization which aims to lift widowed women in India out of poverty and instill in them a sense of pride and ownership. Over the past year, CAF Canada has worked with CANDLE for a CRA-approved project that provides goats to these women as a means of income and livelihood. Through the Widowed Women Goat project, each woman is given a healthy goat and provided training by a veterinary doctor about goat rearing. Part of the training focuses on financial literacy and discusses ideas on how to market various goat-based products to provide the women with the fundamental skills and income to become self-reliant. Read more inspiring stories at www.cafamerica.org/about/stories 18