b'After Helens passing and the settlement of her estate, CAF America implemented the Helen Rinker Ashley Fund, starting with a thorough assessment of the project needs, and formulation of a cohesive strategy for development and administration. A key part of identifying and implementing these expansive projects was working in partnership with the people of Voditsa. CAF America also partnered with the BCause Foundation in Bulgaria to ensure the funds use and disbursement fulfilled all cross-border regulatory requirements, with BCause managing the enactment of the improvement projects locally.Through 2019, the Fund supported over fifteen critical projects that improved the community spaces of Voditsa, from rebuilding nearly every community building in the village and adding closed-circuit TV cameras in public areas for security, to installing a new water supply system and rebuilding the clock tower. Helen Rinker Ashleys legacy has indelibly changed the lives of Voditsa residents, and her contributions will live on for years to come.7'