Welcome to CAF America

Offline Giving

CAF America has several fund services

There are multiple ways you can support the causes you care about, and no additional costs are incurred for any of these giving options. Please note that a completed gift form is REQUIRED for all offline transactions.

By Check

Step 1: Download and complete a CAF America Gift Form.
Step 2: Attach the gift form with your check and mail to our office.


Wire Transfer

Step 1: Download and complete a CAF America Gift Form.
Step 2: Mail the gift form to our office.

There is no additional cost for this service.

Through Stock

Step 1: Download and complete a CAF America Gift Form.
Step 2: Mail the gift form to our office.
Step 3: Complete your stock donation using the following information:

Broker Details for Securities Donation Transfers
Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America)
Account #5TL-03059
Merrill Lynch DTC #8862

There is no additional cost for this service.


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