2024 Charity Impact Challenge

Showcase Your Impact

This May, all eligible grantee partners are invited to join our Charity Impact Challenge social media contest on X and Instagram for a chance to win a $1,000 grant and a Story of Impact!

Our grantee partners can share the impact of their CAF America grant(s) on one or both of the two social media platforms. The posts with the most total engagement on each platform will earn a $1,000 grant and a published CAF America Story of Impact. The two posts with the second and third most engagements on each platform will be named honorable mentions and will receive $500 grants. 

How to Enter the Challenge

  1. Follow CAF America on X and Instagram, using your organization’s account
  2. Create a post on X and/or Instagram mentioning a grant from CAF America, using your organization’s account
  3. Tag @CAFAmerica on X and @CAF_America on Instagram
  4. Include the CAF America logo on any images shared with your post
  5. Use the hashtag #CharityImpactChallenge
  6. Fill out this form linking each post
    1. Only include one post per submission
    2. If you would like to submit more than one post or enter on more than one platform, please submit an additional entry of the form (While additional entries are welcomed, each organization’s total engagements will be assessed on the individual post with the most engagement, not the total engagements across multiple posts. Participants are only eligible for one award as a winner or honorable mention of the challenge.)
  7. Publish all posts and submit form by May 31 at 5 pm ET. All engagement totals will be final and counted at this deadline

Engagements on X will be the total number of likes, reposts, quote posts, replies, bookmarks.

Engagements on Instagram will be the total number of likes, comments, story reposts tagging @CAF_America. Post likes on Instagram, must be visible to the public or they will not be counted.

By participating in the 2024 Charity Impact Challenge and submitting your entry via the form linked here, you are consenting to the usage and terms for the publication and/or broadcast of the photography submitted by your organization to Charities Aid Foundation America (CAF America) and CAF Group.

Eligibility Requirements

Please follow the guidance below to determine if your organization is eligible for participation:

  • Organizations must be currently eligible and have received at least $1000 in distributions from CAF America since January 1, 2022.
  • Organizations with a Friends Fund are eligible to participate in this challenge
  • Donor Advised Funds are not eligible to participate in this challenge

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