India Announces Extension of FCRA Eligibility

July 01, 2024

On June 29, 2024, India’s Ministry of Home Affairs announced an extension of certificates issued under the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA) pending renewal, either until September 30, 2024 or until their renewal application has been processed, whichever is earlier. Similar to the last notice in March 2024, this is an extension with a three-month duration, in contrast to the six-month durations seen in 2023.

Importantly, any organizations with previously expired certificates are covered under this extension, provided they applied for renewal before the expiration. Currently eligible organizations whose certificate is set to expire between July 1 and September 30, 2024 will also be covered under this extension, as long as they also apply for renewal before their expiration.

If an FCRA application is rejected, the organization in question is forbidden to utilize contributions received on or after the date of the rejection and CAF America will no longer approve grants advised to those organizations.

CAF America is actively communicating with our NGO partners to collect and review renewed FCRA certifications as quickly as possible upon approval from the Ministry. We are closely monitoring these developments so we can continue to support our charity partners in India as we are able. Our team has verified that Indian organizations with FCRA compliance extended by this notice are up to date in our database. To confirm if your organization is still eligible after the deadline with FCRA, please reach out to the CAF America team.


Past FCRA Updates

This is the sixth time the Ministry of Home Affairs has extended these deadlines. See past announcements below:


About FCRA

The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) is India’s law regulating the flow of foreign funding into the country. Indian nonprofits must have a valid FCRA Registration to be able to legally receive charitable funds from donors outside of India—organizations without an eligible FCRA registration number are ineligible to receive foreign contributions.

CAF America is continuously monitoring the situation so that our network is as informed and compliant as possible with foreign funding laws. Please reach out to us at if you have any questions.

Other Resources

To read the full public notice from India’s Ministry of Home Affairs:
Extension of the validity of FCRA registration certificates, 06.29.24

For the full text of the FCRA:
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010

Is your preferred charity able to receive foreign grants under FCRA?
Verify eligibility with this search tool provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs

To learn about grantmaking in India:
Giving to India? Compliance with the Newly Amended FCRA

For more on how Indian NGOs have adapted to FCRA and other policy changes: 
A Changing Philanthropic Landscape in India: Understanding how Indian NGOs continue to innovate and give voice to the marginalized within the framework of changing policies

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